We think our Sicily trip will be full of salty water, however, it turned out to be 50/50. This biggest island of Italy, was a free land and a kingdom with pride. I didn't expect such rich history and beautifully blended culture background there. Isola delle Femmine, it is a small seaside city near Palermo and Capaci . Isola delle Femmine, is also the name of that tiny island which is smaller than a dot on the map. We just pulled over our car shortly while passing the city, and you know what? I had the feeling of "If I move to Sicily for living, I need to settle here!" instantly.

The Legend of Isola delle Femmine
Other theories, more reliable to me
There is also another version to explain how the name of “Isola delle Femmine” comes.
Isola delle Femmine, can be written as “Insula Fimi” in Latino, which is widely used in the ancient Roman. “Fimi” in Latino is closed to “Fim” in Arabic language. It literally means “mouth”. The small island is right on the route where every year the groups of tuna fish travels all the way to west coast of Sicily island. Remember my short story about Tonnara di Scopello, it is also one of the stops. It is very possible that, the Sicilians called this island according to its strategical location for tuna fishing.
I mentioned the fascinating multi-cultural background of Sicily in the beginning, right? Here you are. The history timeline of Sicily, to be simple, passes from Roman Empire, to the Arabics, and then to the hands of Holy Roman Emperor (French and England). This is the reason why, the island's name has its link to both Latino and Arabic. If you are travelling in Sicily, especially in Palermo, you will find many churches and ancient architectures with a beautifully blend of oriental and western details.

Places to go near Isola delle Femmine
Twin towers (Torre)
The point where we pulled over our car to watch the little island, Isola delle Femmine, is “Di Fronte a Isola delle Femmine”. There also stands one of the twin towers of Isola delle Femmine. It is “Torre di Dentro”, because it is on the main island (Sicily island), while the other one, “Torre di Fuori” is on Isola delle Femmine. The locals built those two towers during the medieval era, when pirates were on a frequent visit to Sicily coasts and made troubles for local fishing economics and normal life.

Monumento alla Strage di Capaci
Riserva Naturale di Capo Gallo


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